How to open a fireplace flue with chain with 100% working
So How to open a fireplace flue with chain we make it and here these list of amazing for your ideas and informational reason regarding the How to open a fireplace flue with chain as part of How To Do exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and find out the best How to open a fireplace flue with chain photos and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use.When the flue is properly warmed, the smoke from the torch will travel straight up. Push the lever up slightly to disengage it from its support tab and then pull it away from the tab horizontally as the damper lowers into a closed position.

If your fireplace has a knob, you'll twist the knob to open the damper. Depending on where and how the chain broke, you may just have to close a chain link that has opened; All you need is to pull the right chain.
Use a flashlight to look up into the chimney opening to see what can be verified.
Chimney top dampers sit at the top of the chimney with a chain and lever to open and close it. How to open a chimney flue. This duct within your chimney includes a damper that can be opened or closed by a lever or pull chains, in most instances. If your fireplace has a knob, you'll twist the knob to open the damper.